#2412. 3417. Poi2013 Tales of seafaring
3417. Poi2013 Tales of seafaring
#3417. Poi2013 Tales of seafaring
Young Bytensson loves to hang out in the port tavern, where he often listens
to the sea dogs telling their tales of seafaring. Initially, he believed them
all, however incredible they sounded. Over time though, he became suspicious.
He has decided to write a program that will verify if there may be any grain
of truth in those tall stories. Bytensson reasoned that while he cannot tell
if the sailors indeed weathered all those storms, he can at least find out if
their travel itineraries make sense. This is a task for a programmer, which
Bytensson, unfortunately, is not. Help him out!
There are ports and waterways connecting them in the waters frequented by
the sailors Bytensson listened to. If there is a waterway between two ports,
then sailing from one to the other is possible. Any waterway can be sailed in
both directions.
Bytensson got to know K seafaring tales. Each tells of a sailor who began his
journey in one port, sailed a number of waterways, and ended up in another
port, which may have been the one he initially set sail from. The sailor in
question may have sailed through the same waterway many times, each time in
any direction.
In the first line of the standard input, there are three integers, N,M and K
(2<=N<=5000,1<=M<=5000,1<=K<=1000000) These denote, respectively: the number
of ports in the waters frequented by the sailors who told Bytensson their
stories, the number of waterways, and the number of tales.
The M lines that follow specify the waterways. A single waterway's description
consists of a single line that contains two integers, a and b (1<=a,b<=N,a<>b)
separated by a single space; these specify the numbers of ports at the two
ends of this particular waterway.
The K lines that follow specify the tales that Bytensson has heard. A single
tale's description consists of a single line with three integers, s,t and d
(1<=S,T<=N,1<=d<=1000000000) separated by single spaces. These indicate that
the tale's protagonist set sail from port no. s, ended the journey in port no.
t, and sailed exactly d times through various waterways.
Your program should print exactly K lines to the standard output; the i-th of them should contain the word TAK (Polish for yes) if the journey described in the i-th tale (in input order) could have taken place. If it could not, then the line should contain the word NIE(Polish for no).
8 7 4
1 2
2 3
3 4
5 6
6 7
7 8
8 5
2 3 1
1 4 1
5 5 8
1 8 10