#3042. 4047. [Cerc2014] The Imp

4047. [Cerc2014] The Imp

#4047. [Cerc2014] The Imp


You arrive m Ye Olde Magic Shoppe with some hard-earned gold to purchase wondrous and

unique magic items. There are n such items in the shop, each of them locked in a special magic

box. The i-th box costs ci gold pieces to buy, and contains an item worth vi gold pieces. The

costs and item values are known to you, as you have previously read, mastered, and memorized

Ye Olde Magic Catalogue.

A mortal, such as you, can safely carry only one magic item. You therefore aim to get the

most precious one. And obtain it you would, if not for a malicious, magical creature, known as

The Imp.

The Imp can cast a mischievous spell, which transforms the content of any magic box into

worthless dust. Of course, he will use the spell just after you buy a box, to make you pay for the

item and not get it. You are thus forced to buy another box, and then the next one_

The Imp has enough magic to cast the spell at most k times. He can, of course, refrain from

using it, allowing you to keep an item. You can walk away at any time, empty- handed (though

it would surely be a disgrace). However, if you get an item, you must keep it and leave the shop.

You aim to maximize your gain (the value of the acquired item minus all the expenses paid

previously), while The Imp wants to mimmize it. If both vou and the creature use the optimal

strategy, how much gold will vou earn?


第一行有两个数字N,K,表示有N个物体,接下来每个物体有2个描述权值Vi, Ci,表示该物体的价值和价格。





The first line of input contains the number of test cases T. The descriptions of the test cases


Each test case starts with a line containing the number of items n (1《n≤ 150 000) and the

the maximum number of The Imp's spells k (0≤ k < 9). The next n lines contain the items'

values and costs, the i-th line containing the numbers vi and ci, in that order (0≤ vi, ci≤ 10^6).


For each test case, output one line containing your gain




3 1  

10 5  

8 1  

20 12


