#881. 1885. [Coi2003]Locomotive

1885. [Coi2003]Locomotive

#1885. [Coi2003]Locomotive




The first line of the input file contains the numbers N and P, and a real number D, 2 ≤ N ≤ 100, 1 ≤ P ≤ 3000, 1 ≤ D ≤ 10,000. The number N is the number of towns, the number P is the number of railroads, and D is the range of the radio in kilometers (a decimal number two digits precise). The towns are numbered 1 to N. Each of the following N lines contains data describing one town, i.e. two integers, X and Y, -5000 ≤ X, Y ≤ 5000, representing the town ’ s coordinates. Each of the following P lines contains data describing one railroad track, i.e. two integers G1 and G2, saying there is a railroad rack connecting G1 i G2. The next line contains the starting positions of Mirko and Slavku, the integers U and V. Mirko starts from town U, Slavko from town V. U and V will represent two towns separated at most D kilometers in distance.


The output file should contain the numbers of all the towns Slavko can reach. These numbers should be sorted in increasing order, each of them written on a separate line.



5 4 1.5  

0 1  

0 0  

4 1  

4 0  

2 2  

1 3  

1 5  

3 5  

2 4  

2 1



