#P319D. Have You Ever Heard About the Word?

    ID: 6256 远端评测题 6000ms 256MiB 尝试: 0 已通过: 0 难度: (无) 上传者: 标签>greedyhashingstring suffix structuresstrings*2800

Have You Ever Heard About the Word?


A substring of a string is a contiguous subsequence of that string. So, string bca is substring of string abcabc, but string cc is not.

A repeating block is a string formed by concatenating some string with itself. So, string abcabc is a repeating block, but strings abcabd, ababab are not.

You've got a sequence of Latin characters (string). At each step you find the shortest substring that is a repeating block, if there exists more than one you must choose the leftmost. As the substring is of form XX (X — some string) you replace this substring with X, in other words you delete one of the X substrings in the substring. You repeat this process until there remains no repeating block in the string.

How would the final string looks like? Look at the sample explanation to understand the statement more precise.

In the first line of input you're given a string of small Latin characters with length between 1 to 50000, inclusive.

Print the final string after applying changes.


In the first line of input you're given a string of small Latin characters with length between 1 to 50000, inclusive.


Print the final string after applying changes.









At the first sample the string transforms as follows: abccabc  →  abcabc  →  abc.

At the second sample the string transforms as follows: aaaabaaab  →  aaabaaab  →  aabaaab  →  abaaab  →  abaab  →  abab  →  ab.