#P2123. Artinals
Nick has recently learned about a special kind of sets called artinian sets or simply artinals. These sets have the advantage of possessing a finite representation, so they can be processed by a computer. However, their formal definition is a bit complicated. Here it is:
- The only artinal of height ≤ 0 is the empty set ∅.
- Artinals of height ≤ n are exactly the finite sets composed of artinals of height ≤ n − 1. Here n ≥ 1 is an arbitrary natural number.
- Finally, A is an artinal if A is an artinal of height ≤ n for at least one integer n.
- The set of all artinals is denoted by U.
- The canonical form of an artinal A of height ≤ n is a representation A = {A1, A2, …, As} where Ai are artinals of height ≤ n − 1 and A1 < A2 < … < As.
- If A = { A1, A2, …, As} and B = { B1, B2 , …, Bt} are two artinals of height ≤ n written in the canonical form, then we put A < B iff there exists an integer k, 1 ≤ k ≤ min(s + 1, t), such that Aj = Bj for all integer j such that 1 ≤ j < k and either k = s + 1 or Ak < Bk.
Then some operations on artinals are defined. These operations (from highest priority to lowest) are:
- Unary intersection ∩ : for a non-empty artinal A = {A1, A2, …, As} put ∩A := A1 ∩ A2 ∩ … ∩ As.
- Unary union ∪: for any artinal A = {A1, A2, …, As} put ∪A := A1 ∪ A2 ∪ … ∪ As; ∪∅ := ∅.
- Binary intersection ∩: A ∩ B := {x : x ∈ A ∧ x ∈ B}.
- Binary union ∪: A ∪ B := {x : x ∈ A ∨ x ∈ B}.
- Binary difference −: A − B := {x ∈ A : x ∉ B}.
- Binary symmetrical difference ⊕: A ⊕ B := (A − B) ∪ (B − A).
- Equality = and inequality ≠.
- Inclusion ⊂ and ⊃: (A ⊂ B) ⇔ (B ⊃ A) ⇔ (x ∈ A ⇒ x ∈ B).
- Element relations ∈ and ∋: B ∈ A (equivalent to A ∋ B) means that B is an element of A.
- Canonical order relations <, >, ≤, ≥ described above (as usual, A ≤ B ⇔ ((A < B) ∨ (A = B)), A > B ⇔ B < A and A ≥ B ⇔ B ≤ A).
Now Nick wants you to write a program that would make some computations with artinals. This program will consist of several operators, each on a separate line. There are five kinds of operators:
- Assignment operator <ident> “:=” <expr> — sets variable <ident> to the value of expression <expr>.
- Evaluate operator “!”<expr> — evaluates <expr> and prints the result in reduced canonical representation on a separate line of output.
- Check condition operator “?”<expr><relation><expr> — checks the condition and outputs either “FALSE” or “TRUE” on a separate line of output.
- Comment operator “#”<any_characters> — the entire line is copied to the output.
- Empty operator — an empty line (i.e. line consisting only of blank characters) — does nothing.
The following definitions are used:
<ident> ::= <alpha>{<alpha>}
<alpha> ::= <letter>|<digit>|“_”
<digit> ::= “0”|“1”|…|“9”
<letter> ::= “A”|“B”|…|“Z”|“a”|“b”|…|“z”
<expr> ::= “{”[<expr>{“,”<expr>}]“}”|<ident>|<expr><binop><expr>|<unop><expr>|“(”<expr>“)”
<binop> ::= “+”|“*”|“−”|“^”
<unop> ::= “+”|“*”
<relation> ::= “<”|“>”|“=”|“<=”|“>=”|“<>”|“−>”|“<−”|“<<”|“>>”
The binary operators (in the order they were listed in the definition of <binop>) correspond to ∪, ∩, − and ⊕; the unary operators correspond to ∪ and ∩; finally, the relations correspond to <, >, =, ≤, ≥, ≠, ∈, ∋, ⊂, ⊃. Parentheses “(” and “)” are used to change the precedence of operations as usual. All tokens of input (except several <alpha> forming a single <ident>) can be separated by an arbitrary number of blank characters (i.e. spaces and tabulation characters).
The input file consists of not more than one hundred lines each containing a single operator. No line is longer than 254 characters.
Produce one line of output for each “?”, “!” and “#” operator as described above. It is guaranteed that there will be no “run-time errors” (e.g. unary ∩ will never be applied to an empty set).
!2 + 2
# More examples!
00 := 5+3
! 3-5
! 00
! (5-3)*(5+3)
? 3>9
A := {2,3,9}
B := {1,7}
! A^ B
! +239
? 2->00
? 2<<00
? A>>B
! {{{},{{}},{}},B,{A},{B},{A,B}}+B
# More examples!
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