#P2550. Zipf's Law

Zipf's Law


Harvard linguistics professor George Kingsley Zipf (1902-1950) observed that the frequency of the kth most common word in a text is roughly proportional to 1/k. He justified his observations in a book titled Human behavior and the principle of least effort published in 1949. While Zipf's rationale has largely been discredited, the principle still holds, and others have afforded it a more sound mathematical basis.

You are to find all the words occurring n times in an English text. A word is a sequence of letters. Words are separated by non-letters. Capitalization should be ignored. A word can be of any length that an English word can be.


Input consists of several test cases. The first line of each case contains a single positive integer n. Several lines of text follow which will contain no more than 10000 words. The text for each case is terminated by a single line containing EndOfText. EndOfText does not appear elsewhere in the input and is not considered a word.


For each test case, output the words which occur n times in the input text, one word per line, lower case, in alphabetical order. If there are no such words in input, output the following line:

There is no such word.

Leave a blank line between cases.


In practice, the difference between theory and practice is always
greater than the difference between theory and practice in theory.
	- Anonymous

Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the
time he will pick himself up and continue on.
        - W. S. L. Churchill


Waterloo local 2001.06.02