#P2681. Anagrammatic Distance

Anagrammatic Distance


Two words are said to be anagrams of each other if the letters from one word can be rearranged to form the other word. For example, occurs is an anagram of succor; however, dear is not an anagram of dared (because the d appears twice in dared, but only once in dear). The most famous anagram pair (in English) is dog and god.

The anagrammatic distance between any two words is the minimum number of letters which must be removed so that the remaining portions of the two words become anagrams. For example, given the words sleep and leap, we need to remove a minimum of three letters ---two from sleep and one from leap ---before what's left are anagrams of each other (in each case, lep). With words such as dog and cat, where the two have absolutely no letters in common, the anagrammatic distance is an extreme (explicitly 6) since all the letters need to be removed. (Here, a word is always an anagram of itself.)

You must write a program to calculate the anagrammatic distance between any two given words.


The first line of the input will contain a positive integer value N (less than 60,000) indicating the number of cases. Each case will consist of two words, possibly empty, each given on a single line (for a total of 2N additional lines).

Although they may have zero length, the words are simple ---the letter are all lowercase and are taken from the usual twenty-six letter English alphabet (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz). The longest word is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.


The output should consist of the case number and the anagrammatic distance, formatted as shown.


Case #1:  0 
Case #2:  1 
Case #3:  5  
Case #4:  4  


Southeastern Europe 2005