#P2844. Sum and Product

Sum and Product


For a sequence of N integers A1, A2, ... , AN, we can calculate their sum S and product P easily. With given N, S and P, can you find out the sequence A1, A2, ... , AN?


The input only contains a line with three integers N, S and P. Here N is positive and not more than 1000000, and the absolute values of S and P do not exceed 150000000.


Just output "No solution" if there is no such sequence, or you may output any solution with N integers A1, A2, ... , AN, separated by just one space.

sample input#1
2 4 3
sample input#2
4 4 2
sample output#1
1 3
sample output#2
No solution


POJ Monthly--2006.06.25, Yang Yi