#P2893. M × N Puzzle
M × N Puzzle
The Eight Puzzle, among other sliding-tile puzzles, is one of the famous problems in artificial intelligence. Along with chess, tic-tac-toe and backgammon, it has been used to study search algorithms. The Eight Puzzle can be generalized into an M × N Puzzle where at least one of M and N is odd. The puzzle is constructed with MN − 1 sliding tiles with each a number from 1 to MN − 1 on it packed into a M by N frame with one tile missing. For example, with M = 4 and N = 3, a puzzle may look like: Let's call missing tile 0. The only legal operation is to exchange 0 and the tile with which it shares an edge. The goal of the puzzle is to find a sequence of legal operations that makes it look like: The following steps solve the puzzle given above. Given an M × N puzzle, you are to determine whether it can be solved.1 6 2 4 0 3 7 5 9 10 8 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 START 16240375910811 DOWN⇒ 10246375910811 LEFT⇒ 12046375910811 UP⇒ 12346075910811 … RIGHT⇒ 12340675910811 UP⇒ 12345670910811 UP⇒ 12345678910011 LEFT⇒ 12345678910110 GOAL
The input consists of multiple test cases. Each test case starts with a line containing M and N (2 ≤ M, N ≤ 999). This line is followed by M lines containing N numbers each describing an M × N puzzle.
The input ends with a pair of zeroes which should not be processed.
Output one line for each test case containing a single word YES if the puzzle can be solved and NO otherwise.
3 3
1 0 3
4 2 5
7 8 6
4 3
1 2 5
4 6 9
11 8 10
3 7 0
0 0
POJ Monthly--2006.07.30, newton88518