#P3244. Difference between Triplets

Difference between Triplets


For every pair of triplets, Ta = (Ia, Ja, Ka) and Tb = (Ib, Jb, Kb), we define the difference value between Ta and Tb as follows:

D(Ta, Tb) = max {Ia Ib, JaJb, KaKb} − min {Ia Ib, JaJb, KaKb}

Now you are given N triplets, could you write a program to calculate the sum of the difference values between every unordered pair of triplets?


The input consists of several test cases.

Each test case begins with a line containing an integer N, denotes the number of triplets. Assume that we number the triplets as T1, T2, ... , TN. Then, there are following N lines, each line contains three integers, giving the elements of each triplet.

A case with N = 0 indicates the end of the input.


For each case, output a line with the sum of difference values between every unordered pair of triplets.

1 2 3
3 2 1
1 3 2
4 0 7
2 2 9


Case 1: D(T1,T2)=4

Case 2: D(T1,T2)+D(T1,T3)+D(T2,T3)=8+8+4=20

You can assume that N, the number of triplets in each case, will not exceed 200,000 and the elements in triplets fit into [-106,106].

The size of the input will not exceed 5 MB.


POJ Monthly--2007.07.08, Yuan, Xinhao