#ACRYM. Acronym


An acronym is made of up the initial letter(s) of the words in a phrase, such as EU (European Union) and BREXIT (BRitish EXIT). In this problem, we can also either ignore or consider the conjunction "and", and the following adpositions "in", "on", "at", "to", "of", "from", "for" and "with" when making the acronym, such as BENELUX (BElgium, NEtherlands and LUXembourg) and RADAR (RAdio Detection And Ranging).

Given an acronym A, and a list of N strings W1, W2 ... WN, you would like to find out the number of possible combinations of making the given acronym by using all the N strings following their order. That is, the acronym must be made up of at least one initial letter of each word, except the above-mentioned conjunction and adpositions (either skip or use it). Both A and the N strings only consist of lowercase latin letters.


The first line is the number of test cases T. (1 ≤ T ≤ 20)

For each test case, it starts with one integer N. (1 ≤ N ≤ 200)

Next line is a string A. (1 ≤ |A| ≤ 104)

Following N lines, each consisting of one string Wi. (1 ≤ |Wi| ≤ 50)

It is guaranteed that W1 is neither conjunction nor adposition.


Output one integer indicating the number of possible combinations.



7 natiofforessaa national office for forest safety in aachen

4 whiskey what is secret key

Output: 0 4 1



In case 1, no combination is possible.

In case 2, there are four possible combinations:

  • NATIonal OFfice for FORESt SAfety in Aachen
  • NATIonal OFfice for FORESt Safety in AAchen
  • NATIonal Office For FORESt SAfety in Aachen
  • NATIonal Office For FORESt Safety in AAchen

In case 3, only one possible combination exists:

  • WHat Is Secret KEY