#ADAGAME4. Ada and Game of Divisors
Ada and Game of Divisors
Ada the Ladybug is playing Game of Divisors against her friend Velvet Mite Vinit. The game has following rules. There is a pile of N stones between them. The player who's on move can pick at least 1 an at most σ(N) stones (where σ(N) stands for number of divisors of N). Obviously, N changes after each move. The one who won't get any stones (N == 0) loses.
As Ada the Ladybug is a lady, so she moves first. Can you decide who will be the winner? Assume that both players play optimally.
The first line of input will contain 1 ≤ T ≤ 105, the number of test-cases.
The next T lines will contain 1 ≤ N ≤ 2*107, the number of stones which are initially in pile.
Output the name of winner, so either "Ada" or "Vinit".
Example Input
8 1 3 5 6 11 1000001 1000000 29
Example Output
Ada Vinit Ada Ada Vinit Vinit Ada Ada