#ADAPLUS. Ada and Plus
Ada and Plus
Ada the Ladybug has decided to move to other city. She was deciding where to live - she wanted the city which would be the biggest PLUS to live in. You will be given a map with N×N cities. Size of PLUS is the number of cities in each of four direction (+ the city itself).
The first line contains T, the number of test-cases.The first line of each test-case will contain 0 < N ≤ 2000 , the size of map.
N lines will follow, each containing N characters. Characters will be either '#' (indicating a city) or '.' (indicating free space).
For each test-case, print exactly one number - the size of biggest '+' (PLUS).Example Input
4 5 ..#.. ..#.# ##### ..#.# ..#.. 3 ..# #.# #.# 4 ##.# #### ##.# #..# 4 #### #### #### ####
Example Output
3 1 2 2
Explanation of test-cases
1st test-case..#.. ..#.# ##### ..#.# ..#..
2nd test-case
..# #.# #.#
3rd test-case
##.# #### ##.# #..#
4th test-case
#### #### #### ####