#AMSCO1. The AMSCO cipher
The AMSCO cipher
Due to A.M.SCOtt in the 19th century, it's an incomplete columnar transposition cipher
with alternating single letters and digraphs. The first entry must be a digraph.
In both even and odd periods the first column and the first row always alternate:
4 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 5 |
IN | C | OM | P | LE |
T | EC | O | LU | M |
NA | R | WI | T | HA |
L | TE | R | NA | T |
IN | G | SI | N | GL |
E | LE | T | TE | R |
SA | N | DD | I | GR |
A | PH | S |
N lines (N<1000)
Each line of the input contains the numeric key (permutation order of the columns)
and a plaintext. Plaintext letters are in [A-Z] only with no punctuation.
The keylength max is 9 and the length of the plaintext is limited to 250.
The last line ends with EOF.
Output consist of exactly N lines of ciphertexts with letters in [A-Z] with no spaces.