#BGSHOOT. Shoot and kill

Shoot and kill

The problem is about Mr.BG who is a great hunter. Today he has gone to a dense forest for hunting and killing animals.

Sadly, he has only one bullet in his gun. He wants to kill as many animals as possible with only one bullet.

He has already known the information of duration availability of all animals of the forest.

So, he is planning to shoot at a time so that he could kill maximum animal. 


Input begins with an integer N denoting total numbers of animals.

Next N lines contains the duration of availability of animal denoting by X (Starting time) and Y (Ending time) .

Then, there will be Q, denoting the total numbers of queries to be answer.

Each query giving two integer L and R, L denoting the time hunter will come to forest and begins shooting

and R denoting last time upto which he will stay at forest for hunting.


For each query output an integer denoting maximum numbers of animals he could kill by shooting at a time during L and R (inclusive).





1 2
2 3
4 5
6 7
1 5
2 3
4 7
5 7

Output: 2 2 1 1
