#BNMT. Binary Matrix
Binary Matrix
You are given a matrix of size r x c. Each of the elements can be either 0 or 1. In each operation you can flip any element of this matrix, i.e. convert 0 to 1 or convert 1 to 0. Your goal is to convert the matrix such that -
- Each of the rows will have the same number of 1s and
- Each of the columns will have the same number of 1s.
What is the minimum number of operations required to achieve this?
Input starts with a positive integer T (~1000) which indicates the number of inputs.
Each case starts with two integers m and n (1 <= r, c <= 40), here r is the number of rows and c is the number of columns of the matrix. Each of the next m lines will have n integers each, either 0 or 1.
For each test case, output “Case #: R”
in a single line, where #
will be replaced by case number and R will be replaced by the minimum number of steps required to achieve the target matrix. Replace R by -1
if it is not possible to reach target matrix.
Sample Input:3 2 3 111 111 3 3 011 011 011 2 3 001 000
Sample Output:
Case 1: 0 Case 2: 3 Case 3: 1