#CARDSHUF. Cards shuffing

Cards shuffing

English Tiếng Việt

"Phú ông" has a card deck consits of n cards. He writes on each card a number from 1 to n from the top to the bottom of the deck.
Then he does shuffle the card deck several times, each time is described by S(i, j) meaning: pull out the ith card then put it on the jth of the remaining cards (1 ≤ i, j ≤ n). If j = n, the ith card will be the bottom card of the new one.
For example (n=6):

Afer x times of shuffing, "Phú ông" gives "Bờm" the card deck and chanllenges him to make it into the original order. Please help "Bờm"!


- The first line contains two integer n, x.
- Next x line(s), the pth line contains two integer ip, jp describing the pth time of shuffing (S(ip, jp)).


- A single integer means the minimal number of times of shuffing the card deck to help "Bờm".


6 4
2 3
1 2
4 5
1 6



- 1 ≤ n, x ≤ 105.