#CFRAC2. Continuous Fractions Again

Continuous Fractions Again

A simple continuous fraction has the form:

subir imagenes

where the ai’s are integer numbers.

The previous continuous fraction could be noted as [a1, a2, . . . , an]. It is not difficult to show that any rational number p / q , with integers p > q > 0, can be represented in a unique way by a simple continuous fraction with n terms, such that p / q = [a1, a2, . . . , an−1, 1], where n and the ai’s are positive natural numbers.

Now given a simple continuous fraction, your task is to calculate a rational number which the continuous fraction most corresponds to it.


Input for each case will consist of several lines. The first line is two integer m and n,which describe a char martrix,then followed m lines,each line cantain n chars. The char martrix describe a continuous fraction The continuous fraction is described by the following rules:

<li>Horizontal bars are formed by sequences of dashes `-'.

</li><li>The width of each horizontal bar is exactly equal to the width of the denominator under it.
</li><li>Blank characters should be printed using periods `.'

</li><li>The number on a fraction numerator must be printed center justified. That is, the number of spaces at either side must be same, if possible; in other case, one more space must be added at the right side.

The end of the input is indicated by a line containing 0 0.


Output will consist of a series of cases, each one in a line corresponding to the input case. A line describing a case contains p and q, two integer numbers separated by a space, and you can assume that 10^20 > p > q > 0.


9 17
5 10
0 0

75 34
13 12