#CNTPATHS. Count weighted paths
Count weighted paths
John likes to take a walk from his house to university. He needs to arrive his university in at most T seconds after leaving his home. We can represent the situation as a N vertices graph. Vertex 0 of the graph will be John's home and vertex 1 John's university. There can be bidirectional roads connecting pairs of vertices, each road will take John some seconds to cross.
John likes variety. We consider a valid path to be a sequence of vertices that starts with vertex 0 (John's house) and finishes with vertex 1 (The University) and there exists a road connecting each pair of consecutive vertices in the sequences (Note that a vertex may appear multiple times in the path). The total time John needs to traverse a path is equal to the sum of the times needed to cross each individual road in it. Please count the total number of different paths that need at most T minutes to be traversed in total. Two paths are different if there is at least one moment at which they visit different vertices.
Given T, N and the roads between the vertices, ¿How many different paths that need at most T seconds exist? Print the result modulo 1000000007 (109+7).
The first line consists of a integer TOTAL, the total number of test cases (1 <= N <= 10).
Each of the following test cases begins with a single line that contains two integers : N and T. (2 <= N <= 5), (1 <= T <= 1000000000 (109) ).
The N following lines are indexed from i=0 to N-1. The i-th line will represent the roads that connect vertex i with other vertices. The line will consist of N character indexed from j=0 to N-1. The j-th character of the i-th line represents the road connecting vertex i with vertex j. If the character is '-', this means no road connectes vertices i and j. Otherwise, the character will be a digit equal to 1,2 or 3, determining the number of minutes it takes John to move between vertices i and j.
For every pair (i,j), the road character between i and j will be the same as the one between j and i.
For each i, there will never be a road cannecting vertex i with itself.
Vertex 0 represents John's house and Vertex 1 John's university.
For each test case, show in a single line: "Case #i: R", where R is the total number of valid paths between vertices 0 and 1 donde R that need a quantity of at most T segundos .
Input: 3</p>
2 9
5 4
3 100
13-Output: Case #1: 2
Case #2: 4
Case #3: 924247768
There are two paths in the first case that need 9 minutes or less:
- 0 -> 1 (3 minutes)
- 0 -> 1 -> 0 -> 1 (9 minutes)
The second case contains 4 paths that need at most 4 minutes to be traversed:
- 0 -> 2 -> 1 (2 minutes)
- 0 -> 3 -> 1 (4minutes)
- 0 -> 2 -> 0 -> 2 -> 1 (4 minutes)
- 0 -> 2 -> 1 -> 2 -> 1 (4minutes)
0 -> 4 -> 1 is a path that needs 6 minutes.