#COUNT1IT. Ghost Town

Ghost Town

You are given n numbers initially. You have to maintain a multiset for those n numbers. Then you are given q queries. Queries will be one of the following types -

  1. 1 x : Let a be the count of elements smaller than or equal to x. Add x+a into the multiset.
  2. 2 y : report the number of numbers in the multiset that are smaller than or equal to y.
  3. 3 z : report the zth smallest number of the multiset. Note that if any number d appears more than once, it is to be counted as many times it appears! Also, if z exceeds the number of elements in the multiset, that is answer for this query doesn't exist, print "invalid". Look at the sample input for clarification.


Since it is a multiset, it will also store duplicates. Also, lets say our multiset has elements 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3. then for z=3, answer would be 2.






1<=Initial elements of the multiset<=(10^9-2*10^5)


The first line will contain two integers, n and q, denoting the number of initial members of the multiset and the number of queries.

Next q lines will be of he form -

Type D : That is, the queries will be of the one of given 3 types and accordingly, you will be given an integer D.


You have to print the output for query numbers 2 and 3.


10 20
7 35 44 25 15 10 21 42 12 33
1 6
1 39
2 47
2 96
1 29
2 40
3 27
3 5
1 22
1 44
3 32
1 28
3 2
2 39
3 23
2 31
1 13
1 50
3 38
2 26

Output: 11 12 10 invalid 15 invalid 7 12 invalid 8 invalid 8
