#CPAIR. Counting pairs
Counting pairs
You're given a sequence A of N non-negative integers. Answer Q queries, where each query consists of three integers: v, a, b. The answer is number of pairs of integers i and j that satisfy these conditions:
1 <= i <= j <= N
a <= j-i+1 <= b
A[k] >= v for every integer k between i and j, inclusive
1 <= N <= 100 000
1 <= Q <= 100 000
0 <= A[k] <= 1000, for every integer k between 1 and N, inclusive
0 <= v <= 1000
1 <= a <= 100 000
1 <= b <= 100 000
The first line of input contains two integers, N and Q. The second line contains the sequence A, consisting of N integers. Each of the next Q lines contains three numbers, v, a and b, defining a query.
In the i-th line output only one integer denoting the answer to the i-th query.
Input: 5 3 5 3 2 7 4 3 2 3 2 2 5 4 1 1 Output: 2 10 3