#DCEPC504. The Indian Connection

The Indian Connection

Rajesh Kuthrapali has a weird family structure. Every male member gives birth to a male child first and then a female child whereas every female member gives birth to a female child first and then to a male child. Rajesh analyses this pattern and wants to know what will be the Kth child in his Nth generation. Help him.


  1. Every member has exactly 2 children.
  2. The generation starts with a male member(Rajesh).
  3. In the figure given below:

                                   M-------- 1st generation 

                              /        \
                          M             F ------- 2nd generation
                        /    \         /   \
                      M     F       F     M
                                   3rd child of 3rd generation


First line specifies T, the number of test cases.

Next T lines each gives 2 numbers, N and K.


Output 1 line for each test case giving the gender of the Kth child in in Nth generation.

Print “Male” for male “Female” for female (quotes only for clarification).


1 <= T <=100
1 <= N <=10000
1 <= K <= min(10^15, 2^(n-1))


1 1
2 1
2 2
4 5

Output: Male Male Female Female
