#DELTACA2. Delta catheti II (Hard)

Delta catheti II (Hard)

(3, 4, 5) is a famous Pythagorean triple, it gives a quick answer to the question:

For a given integer d, is there a Pythagorean triple (a, b, c) such that b - a = d?

A solution is (3d, 4d, 5d), and in fact one can easily prove that the set of solutions is infinite, and that there is an obvious total order on those solutions.
Given n, you'll have to find the nth term of the sequence of solutions.

Geometrically, it is the study of right angle triangles for which the difference of the catheti is equal to d.


The first line of input contains an integer T, the number of test cases.

2T lines follow. Each case is on two lines.
The first line of the case contains three integers n, d, m.
The second line contains an integer L and 2L other integers (p, e) ; this gives the prime factorization of d in standard format (d = product p^e).


For each test case, compute the nth term amongst the solutions (a, b, c) for the problem :
a2 + b2 = c2 with b - a = d and 0 < a < b < c .

As the answer could not fit in a 64-bit container, simply output your answer modulo m.


1 1 235813
3 21 1000
2 3 1 7 1
9 119 11
2 7 1 17 1
3 4 5
63 84 105
5 3 1


For the first case, the first solution is (3, 4, 5), as 4 - 3 = 1.

For the second case, the first solutions are:
(15, 36, 39), (24, 45, 51), (63, 84, 105), (144, 165, 219), (195, 216, 291), (420, 441, 609), ...
The third one is (63, 84, 105).

For the third case, the first solutions are:
(24, 143, 145), (49, 168, 175), (57, 176, 185), (85, 204, 221), (136, 255, 289), (180, 299, 349), (196, 315, 371), (261, 380, 461), (357, 476, 595), (481, 600, 769), (616, 735, 959), ...
The 9th solution is (357, 476, 595), reduced modulo 11, we get (5, 3, 1).


0 < T < 10^4
0 < n < 10^18
0 < d < 10^14
1 < m < 10^9

d is the product of two integers lower than 10^7.
n, d1, d2, m : Uniform randomly chosen in their range.
Those constraints are set to allow C-like users to work only with 64bit containers.

For your information, my 3kB-python3 code get AC in 1.22s. (Edit 2017-02-11, after compiler change)
It should be much faster with a compiled language.
Warning : It's my hardest problem. Have fun ;-)