#DROOT. Multiplicative digital root
Multiplicative digital root
For an integer find the multiplicative digital root of it! Multiple all nonzero digits of that number and repeat this process until it is only a single digit. We call that digit the multiplicative digital root of the number. For example the multiplicative digital root of n=2009 is 8, because the first iteration is: 2*9=18, the second is 1*8=8, and we stop here.
The first line of the input file contains one integer T, the number of test cases. The following T lines each contains a big positive integer: n, where n<1010000
Output the mulplicative digital root for each n.
Input: 4 6 2009 555555555 847938630482747410708417738635300464477112059683336648877683 Output: 6 8 5 2
Warning: large input data, be careful with certain languages
Warning: not every languages are available for this task