#DUKKAR2. Huge Pascal triangle

Huge Pascal triangle

Given P a prime number, and N an integer, Dukkar found a really fast way to compute how many numbers are divisible by P on the Nth row of the Pascal triangle. Now the task will be much harder : it's for all the N first rows.
Moreover N will be a giant number, given in base P for convenience.


The first line of input contains an integer T, the number of test cases. Follow 2×T lines.
For each test case, on the first line your are given two integers P and k.
On the second line you are given k integers : the digits of N in base P.

N = a0×P0 + ... + ai×Pi + ... + ak-1×Pk-1


For each test case, you have to print the number of numbers in all the first N rows of the Pascal triangle that are divisible by P. As the answer could not fit in a 64bit container, give your answer modulo 1000000007.


5 2
0 1 
5 2
1 1
7 3
2 0 2


For the first case, N = 0×50 + 1×51 = 5. No numbers are divisible by 5 in the first 5 rows.
For the second case, N = 1×50 + 1×51 = 6. Only 4 numbers are divisible by 5 in the first 6 rows.

1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1

For the third case, N = 2×70 + 0×71 + 2×72 = 100.


0 < T < 300
0 < P < 10^9, a prime number
0 < k < 1000
0 <= ai < P,  ak-1>0

For your information, my 300B-python3 code get AC in 3.03s with 11MB of memory print.
My C-code get AC in 0.08s with 1.6MB of memory print.
Have fun ;-)

Edit(25/I/2015) With Cube cluster my C-time is 0.01s and my PY3.4-time is 0.26s.

Edit(11/II/2017) With compiler changes my C-time is 0.00s and my PY3.4-time is 0.12s.