#EBOXES. Empty Boxes
Empty Boxes
N large empty boxes (assume they are of type:1) are initially placed on a table. An unknown number of boxes (type:1) are selected and in each of them K smaller boxes (type:2) are placed. Again an unknown number of type:2 boxes are selected and K boxes of type:3 are placed inside. This process is repeated T times. Now a box is assumed to be empty when it has no smaller boxes inside it. Finally after all the processes are complete let there be F empty boxes in total.
1< N, K, T, F <1000000Input
First line of the input file contains the number of test cases. Then each line contains 4 integers N, K, T, F as described above.
Each line should contain the total number of boxes on the table.
Input: 1 11 8 2 102 Output: 115