#FIBOSQRT. Fibonacci With a Square Root
Fibonacci With a Square Root
FIBONACCI is the recursive sequence that is given by: F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2) with F(0)=0 and F(1)=1
In this problem we define FIBOSQRT that is given by: Fs(n)=Fs(n-1)+Fs(n-2)+2*SQRT(3+Fs(n-1)*Fs(n-2)) with Fs(0) and Fs(1) are given in the input file.
It's guaranteed that SQRT(3+Fs(n-1)*Fs(n-2)) is always an integer. I've proved it by math theorem.
Now your task is to find Fs(n)
Since the number can be Big you have to find the result mod M.
The first line is an integer T(1 ≤ T ≤ 111,111), denoting the number of test cases. Then, T test cases follow.
For each test case, there are four integers Fs(0),Fs(1)(1 ≤ Fs(0) ≤ Fs(1) < 106), M(1 ≤ M < 109), and n(0 ≤ n < 1018) written in one line, separated by space.
For each test case, output Fs(n) mod M.
1 1 10 5
2 3 100 6</p>Output:
Case #1:
- Fs(0)=1
- Fs(1)=1
- Fs(2)=1+1+2*SQRT(3+1*1)=6
- Fs(3)=6+1+2*SQRT(3+6*1)=13
- Fs(4)=13+6+2*SQRT(3+13*6)=37
- Fs(5)=37+13+2*SQRT(3+37*13)=94
The answer is: 94 mod 10 = 4.
Case #2:
- Fs(0)=2
- Fs(1)=3
- Fs(2)=3+2+2*SQRT(3+3*2)=11
- Fs(3)=11+3+2*SQRT(3+11*3)=26
- Fs(4)=26+11+2*SQRT(3+26*11)=71
- Fs(5)=71+26+2*SQRT(3+71*26)=183
- Fs(6)=183+71+2*SQRT(3+183*71)=482
The answer is: 482 mod 100 = 82.
Input File:
File #1: More than 100,000 random test cases (test your program speed )
File #2: Less than 10 test cases (tricky test cases that might give you WA )
Time Limit ≈ 8*(My Program Top Speed)
Warning: large Input/Output data, be careful with certain languages