#FIBTWIST. Fibonacci With a Twist
Fibonacci With a Twist
Fibonacci numbers are given by
- f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)
with f(0) = 0 & f(1) = 1.
first number of series ------ 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13
Now let's have a new series called "Fibonacci Twist" which is given by
- ft(n) = ft(n-1) + ft(n-2) + (n-1)
with ft(0) = 0 & ft(1) = 1.
with first few number in the series ----- 0 1 2 5 10 19 34 59
Now your task is to find ft(n).
Since the number can be Big you have to find the result mod M.
first line having single number 't' -- number of test cases.
next t lines have 2 number each 'n' and 'M'
Single number given the n-th term mod M
Input: 3 5 20 10 77 15 111</p>Output: 19 45 69
- 10 <= t <= 100
- 0 <= n <= 10^9
- 100 <= M <= 10^9
- ft(5) is 19. 19 % 20 = 19
- ft(10) is 276. 276 % 77 = 45
- ft(15) is 3177. 3177 % 111 = 69