#FMODF. Fimodacci
After solving Fib-Factorization and ModFib-Period, you would probably be interested by solving this new task:
Simply compute Fib(N) mod Fib(K), where Fib(N) denotes the Nth term of the Fibonacci sequence.
(If N<2 Fib(N)=N, else Fib(N)=Fib(N-1)+F(N-2)).
The input begins with the number T of test cases in a single line.
In each of the next T lines there are two integers N, K.
For each test case, on a single line, print Fib(N) mod Fib(K).
Input: 2 5 5 13 5</p>Output: 0 3
1 < T < 10^5 1 < N < 10^18 1 < K <= 10^3
Edit(2017-02-11) : New time limit (after compiler changes).