#GOC11A. Appending String
Appending String
You are given a string S, you need to build another string T by expanding S according to the steps below (traversing left to right):
If current character is an alphabet, append it to T.
If current character is a digit, suppose the digit is N, then do T = N*T. Here N*T means appending T N times. See sample for better understanding.
Go to next character if exists then restart from step 1.
Upon expanding S, you will be given Q queries. For each query you have to print the ith character of the string T.
Hint : After expanding the string S=”a3b2c1” T will be = “aaabaaabc”
The first line will be the test case number(t<=10).
In the first line of each test you will be given a string consisting of lowercase letters and digits. And it is guaranteed that length of T will be no more than 1000.
Next line will contain an integer Q(<=100000) denoting total numbers of queries. Following Q lines each contains an integer X.
For each query X, you have to print the Xth character of T in a line. If X is greater than the length of T, print -1.