#IGAME. Interesting Game
Interesting Game
Alice and Bob play an interesting game and the game is played on a number.
So a player, on his chance, can choose any non zero digit of the number and decrease the digit by any non zero amount such that the resulting digit remains non-negative. The player who gets all the digits of the number 0 wins. Both play optimally and Alice starts first. Now tell how many numbers are there between A and B on which if the game is played Alice wins and also find how many numbers are there where Bob wins. On every number between A and B, Alice plays first on that number .
Input Format
The Input line consists of T test cases. On each line there are two numbers A and B.
Output Format
The Output line consists of T lines each having two numbers.
1 ≤ T ≤ 10000
1 ≤ A ≤ B ≤ 1018
Sample Input
1 10
101 110
Sample Output
10 0
8 2
In the first case the first player Alice will always win because she can reduce any digit to 0.
In the second case the second player Bob will win on 2 numbers 101 and 110. Rest Alice will win.