#IITWPC4D. Arrangement Validity

Arrangement Validity

n persons are standing in a line. Height of each person is between 1 and n and height of each person is distinct. 

You a given array A where A[i] denotes how many persons are before i_th person having heights greater than H[i]. eg. For person 2, person 1 is considered before him. If A is given to be [0, 1] then one valid arrangements of height could be [2, 1] as number of persons having height > 1 before 2 are 1 because H[1] > H[2]

You have to find out whether this array can be valid for some arrangement of persons. If you can uniquely do so, then find out the array H. Otherwise output -1.


First line contains T : number of test cases. (1 <= T <= 20).

For each test First line contains an integer n. ( 1 <= n <= 10^5)

Next line contains n space seperated integers denoting A[i]. (0 <= A[i] <= n)


For each test case output single line 

If there is a unique way of H. Then print n space seprated integers in the line.

Otherwise output -1.

In starting of each test case also put "Test : testNumber" (without quotes). Note that there is a space before colon and one space after colon.


0 1 1
0 1 0 
Test : 1
3 1 2
Test : 2
2 1 3