#IITWPC4F. Gopu and the Grid Problem
Gopu and the Grid Problem
Gopu is interested in the integer co-ordinates of the X-Y plane (0<=x,y<=100000). Each integer coordinate contain a lamp, initially all the lamps are in off mode. Flipping a lamp means switching it on if it is in off mode and vice versa. Maggu will ask gopu 3 type of queries.
Type 1: x l r, meaning: flip all the lamps whose x-coordinate are between l and r (both inclusive) irrespective of the y coordinate.
Type 2: y l r, meaning: flip all the lamps whose y-coordinate are between l and r (both inclusive) irrespective of the x coordinate.
Type 3: q x y X Y, meaning: count the number of lamps which are in ‘on mode’(say this number be A) and ‘off mode’ (say this number be B) in the region where x-coordinate is between x and X(both inclusive) and y-coordinate is between y and Y(both inclusive).
First line contains Q-number of queries that maggu will ask to gopu. (Q <= 10^5)
Then there will be Q lines each containing a query of one of the three type described above.
For each query of 3rd type you need to output a line containing one integer A.
x 0 1
y 1 2
q 0 0 2 2