#ITRIX12E. R Numbers

R Numbers

R - Numbers

R-numbers are numbers which have the property that they do not have the digit '0 ' and sum of every two adjacent digits of the number is prime. 123 is a R-number because 1+2 =3 and 2+3 =5 and 3 , 5 are primes.

How many R-numbers can be formed with atmost length N?

i.e R-numbers of length 1 + R-numbers of length 2 + R-numbers of length 3+....... R-numbers of length N

Length of a number = Number of digits in the number

Only four single digit numbers are R-numbers which are nothing but single digit primes 2,3,5,7

Input Specification

The first line of the input file contains T which denotes the number of Test cases.The next T lines contain an integer N <= 10^9

Output Specification

Print the numbers of R-numbers modulo 1000000007. [10^9+7];


Sample Input:

Sample Output: 4 33
