#JARJAR. Helping Jar Jar Binks
Helping Jar Jar Binks
A job has been assigned to Jar Jar Binks, it goes as follows:
There are N spaceships parts, each with a weight of Wi kg. Given a weight W, he has to show how many parts can be used in order to make a ship with a weight of exactly W kg. He has to show all possible solutions, of course if possible.
Everybody knows Jar Jar Binks particularly because of his clumsiness, so you have to help him. Write a program that solves his problem!
There will be several cases, each beginning with two integers N, Q (1<=N<=60, 0<=Q<=10000).
Next there will be N positive integers representing the weights of the N spaceship parts (1<=Wi<=1000).
Q lines will follow, each one with only one (not necessarily positive) integer W, the total weight of the spaceship.
End of input will be denoted with N = 0 and Q = 0. This case should not be processed
Print a line with K integers per query in ascending order. They must represent the amount of pieces that can be used to make a spaceship with weight W.
If there is no way to make a spaceship with weight W, output a line with the string “That's impossible!” (quotes to clarify)
Input:5 4
1 2 3 1 1
0 0Output:
1 2 3
2 3 4
That's impossible!</span>
Explanation of the query W = 5
A spaceship with weight = 5 kg can be formed with 2, 3 and 4 parts, for example:
2 kg + 3 kg = 5 kg
3 kg + 1 kg + 1 kg = 5 kg
1 kg + 1 kg + 1 kg + 2 kg = 5 kg