#LOVEBIRDS. She was in Love with BST
She was in Love with BST
She has broken up with him again!
And after a series of break ups and patch ups , she is done with him!
Being a geek to keep herself distracted, she picks up her favourite topic of dynamic programming where she comes across this idiot problem which says
Given a integer N , you have to tell the sum of number of structurally unique Binary search trees built on different permutations of the set{x , x such that x belongs to [1,N] and x is an integer}.
A Binary Search tree is said to be built on a permutation iff the inorder traversal of that BST is same as the permutation.
A permutation is said to be distinct from another if there exists a position i such that the i th element of both the permutations is different.
Now, her inability to solve the problem is quite stressful to her!
Help her in Solving the problem!
NOTE: She observes that this number can be very large so output this number Modulo 1908 .
Morover she tells you that there inorder traversal of a Binary search tree is Unique.
For Binary Search Tree Read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_tree
The first line of the input consists of T , the number of test cases.
The following T lines consists of a single integer N
(N can be at max 1000 , T can be at max 1000)
You have to Output T lines each consisting of the answer to the problem Modulo 1908
Input: 2
Output: 1