#MAGSUB1. Lucifer and Magical Substrings
Lucifer and Magical Substrings
Lucifer MorningStar is interested in deepest desires of Zing. Being a programmer Zing said he has a desire of knowing number of magical substrings in a string. A substring of string S is said to be magical if it contains at least one magical character (A character is magical if its value is prime, and we assign values to characters as: A is assigned 1, B is assigned 2 ... Z is assigned 26). So you have to calculate total number of magical substrings for S in order to help Lucifer who is absolutely newbie in programming, so that he does not disappoint Zing.
First line contains number of test cases. (1 <= T <= 10).
For each case input will contain two lines:
First line contains length of string N (1 <= N <= 10^5).
Second line will contain a string S of length N. String will only contain uppercase letters.
For each test case output a single integer denoting number of magical substrings of S in new line.
Input: 1 3 ABC</p>Output: 5