#MAIN112. Re-Arrange II

Re-Arrange II

For a sequence of N integers, A1, A2, ..... AN

We can calculate the stability factor P, as

P = sum of all (abs(Ai-Ai-1)*C[i]) where 2 <= i <= N

C[i] is the cost of putting a number at position i

Your task is find the minimum P for the given N numbers considering all the different permutations of them.


First line contains an integer T(1<=T<=10) which denotes the total number of test cases. Each test case consists of three lines.

The first line contains the integer N(1<=N<=15). The second line contains a space separated list of N integers(<150) which denote the given set of numbers.

The third line contains a space separated list of N integers. The ith integer on this line denotes the value for C[i](1 <= C[i] < 150)


For each test case, print the minimum possible value of P considering all permutations of the given numbers.


1 8 3 6 5
1 2 3 4 5

Output 24


One of the possible permutation of given numbers which has p = 24 is 1, 3, 5, 6, 8