#MINES4. Four Mines

Four Mines

A Company that Makes Everything (ACME) has entered the surface mining business. They bought a rectangular field which is split into cells, with each cell having a profit value. A mine is a non-empty rectangular region, and the profit of a mine is equal to the sum of the values of all its cells. ACME wants to extract ore from four different non-overlapping mines. You are to choose these mines to maximize the total profit.

A Company that Makes Everything (ACME) has entered the surface mining business. They bought a rectangular field which is split into cells, with each cell having a profit value. A mine is a non-empty rectangular region, and the profit of a mine is equal to the sum of the values of all its cells. ACME wants to extract ore from <b>four</b> different non-overlapping mines. You are to choose these mines to maximize theA Company that Makes Everything (ACME) has entered the surface mining business. They bought a rectangular field which is split into cells, with each cell having a profit value. A mine is a non-empty rectangular region, and the profit of a mine is equal to the sum of the values of all its cells. ACME wants to extract ore from <b>four</b> different non-overlapping mines. You are to choose these mines to maximize the total profit. 
A Company that Makes Everything (ACME) has entered the surface mining business. They bought a rectangular field which is split into cells, with each cell having a profit value. A mine is a non-empty rectangular region, and the profit of a mine is equal to the sum of the values of all its cells. ACME wants to extract ore from <b>four</b> different non-overlapping mines. You are to choose these mines to maximize the total profit. 
 total profitA Company that Makes Everything (ACME) has entered the surface mining business. They bought a rectangular field which is split into cells, with each cell having a profit value. A mine is a non-empty rectangular region, and the profit of a mine is equal to the sum of the values of all its cells. ACME wants to extract ore from four different non-overlapping mines. You are to choose these mines to maximize the total profit.A Company that Makes Everything (ACME) has entered the surface mining business. They bought a rectangular field which is split into cells, with each cell having a profit value. A mine is a non-empty rectangular region, and the profit of a mine is equal to the sum of the values of all its cells. ACME wants to extract ore from <b>four</b> different non-overlapping mines. You are to choose these mines to maximize the total profit. 


The first line contains an integer T (1 ≤ T ≤ 5), denoting the number of test cases.

For each test case, the first line contains two positive integers R and C (2 ≤ R,C ≤ 100), denoting the number of rows and columns of a rectangular field.

Each of next R lines contain C integers between -10000 and 10000, denoting a profit value for each cell in that row.


For each test case, print a number on its own line, denoting the maximum total profit that can be extracted from four mines.


5 5
10 10 -1 -1 10
10 -1 -1 -1 10
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1 10 10
10 -1 -1 10 10
2 3
-1 -2 -3
-4 -5 66

Output: 99 60
