#MONODIG. Monodigital Representations
Monodigital Representations
Let K be a decimal digit different from 0. We say that an arithmetic expression is a K-representation of the integer X if a value of this expression is X and if it contains only numbers composed of a digit K. (All the numbers are of course decimal). The following arithmetical operations are allowed in the expression: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Round brackets are allowed too. Division may appear only when a dividend is a multiple of a divisor.
Each of the following expressions is the 5-representation of the number 12:
- 5+5+(5:5)+(5:5)
- (5+(5))+5:5+5:5
- 55:5+5:5
- (55+5):5
The length of the K-representation is the number of occurrences of digit K in the expression. In the example above the first two representations have the length 6, the third - 5, and the forth - 4.
Write a program which:
- reads the digit K and the series of numbers from the standard input,
- verifies for each number from the series, whether it has a K-representation of length at most 8, and if it does, then the program finds the minimal length of this representation,
- writes results to the standard output.
The number of test cases t is in the first line of input, then t test cases follow separated by an empty line. The first line of each test case contains digit K, K is en element of {1,...,9}. The second line contains number n, 1<=n<=10. In the following n lines there is the series of natural numbers a1,...,an, 1<=ai<=32000 (for i=1,..,n), one number in each line.
The output for each test case composes of n lines. The i-th line should contain:
- exactly one number which is the minimal length of K-representation of ai, assuming that such a representation of length not grater then 8 exists,
- one word NO, if the minimal length of the K-representation of the number ai is grater than 8.
Sample input: 1 5 2 12 31168 Sample output 4 NO