Biologists have discovered a strange DNA molecule, best described as a sequence of N characters from 
the set {A, B}. An unlikely sequence of mutations has resulted in a DNA strand consisting only of A‟s. 
Biologists found that very odd, so they began studying the mutations in greater detail.
They discovered two types of mutations. One type results in changing a single character of the 
sequence (A → B or B → A). The second type changes a whole prefix of the sequence, specifically 
replacing all characters in positions from 1 to K (for some K between 1 and N, inclusive) with the other 
character (A with B, B with A).
Compute the least possible number of mutations that could convert the starting molecule to its end 
state (containing only A characters). Mutations can occur in any order


Biologists have discovered a strange DNA molecule, best described as a sequence of N characters from 

the set {A, B}. An unlikely sequence of mutations has resulted in a DNA strand consisting only of A's. 

Biologists found that very odd, so they began studying the mutations in greater detail.

They discovered two types of mutations. One type results in changing a single character of the 

sequence (A → B or B → A). The second type changes a whole prefix of the sequence, specifically 

replacing all characters in positions from 1 to K (for some K between 1 and N, inclusive) with the other 

character (A with B, B with A).

Compute the least possible number of mutations that could convert the starting molecule to its end 

state (containing only A characters). Mutations can occur in any order





The first line of input contains the positive integer N (1 ≤ N ≤ 1 000 000), the length of the molecule.

The second line of input contains a string with N characters, with each character being either A or B. 

This string represents the starting state of the molecule.



The first and only line of output must contain the required minimum number of mutations.


Input 1:

Output 1: 2

Input 2:

Output 2:
Input 3:

Output 3: