#NCOPRIME. Coprime Pairs

Coprime Pairs

Mr. Yagami is playing a game of arrays. He is given two random arrays A and B consisting of N positive integer elements. Game starts by Mr. Yagami assigning 0 or 1 to each element in A and B.

After this assignment is done, a graph is constructed with a node for each element in the array A and B (2N nodes) and no edges. The game proceeds with a valid move being defined in the following way:

  • One of the arrays from A or B is selected. From the selected array, an element which has been marked 0 is chosen. Let us call this element as X.

  • A set of elements, Y, are chosen from the array, which was not chosen in the first step, such that all elements of Y should be marked as 1 and all elements of Y should be greater than X and no element of Y should be coprime to X.

  • Finally an edge is drawn from the node labelled X to all the nodes corresponding to the elements in set Y. There can only be a single edge between any 2 nodes in the graph.

He can make as many valid moves. Mr. Yagami receives 1 point for each edge that is drawn in the graph.

Mr. Yagami is very clever, so he makes the initial assignment in such a way that it maximizes the number of points he receives in the game. You have to return the maximum number of points that Mr. Yagami can receive.

Input Format:

The first line of the input contains a single integer, N (1 ≤ N ≤ 40)
The second line of input contains N integers separated by a single space character, which represent the elements of the array A. (2 ≤ A[i] ≤ 10^9)
Similarly, the last line of input also contains N integers separated by a single space character, which represent the elements of the array B. (2 ≤ B[i] ≤ 10^9)

Output Format:

A single integer representing the maximum score which Mr. Yagami can receive.

Sample Input:

16 3 2 9
12 18 13 4

Sample Output:



He picks 2 from first array. So he gets to put 3 edges ie. 2->4, 2->12, 2->18.
Next he picks 3 from the first array. So he gets to put 2 edges ie. 3->12, 3->18.
Next he picks 9 from the first array. So he gets to put 2 edges ie. 9->12, 9->18.
Next he picks 16 from the first array. So he gets to put 1 edge ie. 16->18. Total edges=8.

Problem Setter: Lalit Kundu