#PALDR. Even Palindrome
Even Palindrome
Vietnamese | English |
Palindrome is a string that has the property of reading the same in either direction (left to right or right to left). You are to determine whether a given string can be expressed as a concatenation of palindromes of even length.
Note: A string can be formed by concatenation of any number of even palindrome strings.
First line contains T (T < 100), the number of test cases. T lines follow, each containing the string corresponding to that particular test case.
There might be a new-line character (i.e. '\r' in C++) at the end of each line. Be careful with your languages.
Output consists of T lines, one corresponding to each test case. You should output YES if the string can be expressed as concatination of even length palindromes and NO otherwise.
Input: 3 madam aA aabb</p>Output: NO NO YES
Length of string ≤ 106