#PALNUM. Palindromic Number
Palindromic Number
A postive integer A is called a "palindrome number" if the reverse of the decimal representaion is the same as the original one. Ex. 13231 is a palindrome number, but 13333 is not.
Given a number A(1 <= A <= 1e18), find the number of pairs (a,b) such that a,b are both palindrome numbers, and the sum of a and b is A.
If A is 391, there are 6 ways:
8 + 383 = 383 + 8 = 391
88 + 303 = 303 + 88 = 391
99 + 292 = 292 + 99 = 391
The first Line contains the number of test cases T <= 10. Each test case contains a number A.
Output the number of ways.
Input: 1 391 Output: 6