#PARTIT. Partition
A partition of positive integer m into n components is any sequence a1,...,an of positive integers such that a1+...+an=m and a1<=a2<=...<=an. Your task is to determine the partition, which occupies the k-th position in the lexicographic order of all partitions of m into n components.
The lexicographic order is defined as follows: sequence a1,...,an comes before b1,...,bn iff there exists such an integer i,1<=i<=n, that aj=bj for all j, 1<= j< i, and ai< bi.
The input begins with the integer t, the number of test cases. Then t test cases follow.
For each test case the input consists of three lines, containing the positive integers m, n and k respectively (1<=n<= 10, 1<= m<=220, k is not larger than the number of partitions of m into n components).
For each test case output the ordered elements of the sought partition, separated by spaces.
Sample input: 1 9 4 3</p>Sample output: 1 1 3 4