#POLEVAL. Evaluate the polynomial
Evaluate the polynomial
Your task consists of evaluate a polynomial of degree n (0 <= n <= 999) represented by its n+1 coefficients of the form:
in each one of the k (1 <= k <= 100) points x1, x2, …, xk. The coefficients of the polynomial and the values where they will be evaluated are integers in the interval [-100, 100] that guarantees that the polynomial's evaluation is at the most 263 – 1.
There will be multiple test cases, each one with 4 lines that are described below
n: degree of polynomial.
cn cn-1 … c2 c1 c0: coefficients of the polynomial separated by a single space.
k: number of points to evaluate the polynomial.
x1 x2 … xk-1 xk: points to evaluate the polynomial separated by a single space.
The final test case is a single line where n = -1 and this case should not be processed.
For each test case you should print k + 1 lines of output, the very first line containing the case number and the following k lines with the result of the polynomial's evaluation in each one of the k given points. See the sample.
Input: 2
1 -2 -1
0 1 -1 2 -2
2 1 -2 -1
0 -1 2 -2
Output: Case 1:
Case 2: