#PSYCHON. Psycho


Problem Statement:

Given an integer N, the number N is called “Psycho Number” . Psycho Number is calculated as follows:

First, If we factorize N , then we have some prime and their power. Assume that, there are M powers. From M powers , you should count the number of even and odd powers. Then if the number of even power is strictly greater than odd power , then we call the number N is “Psycho Number”, otherwise the number N is call “Ordinary Number”.

As for example, if N = 67500 then prime factorization, 

67500 = 22 x 33 x 54

Count even powers and odd powers . This number have 2 even power(2,4) and 1 odd power ( 3 ). Since even power 2 (2,4) is greater than odd power 1 (3), so the number 67500 is a Psycho Number.


An integer T (1 <= T <= 106) denoting the number of test cases followed by T lines. Each containing a single integer N ( 1 <= N <= 107 ) .


For each case print  “Psycho Number” or “Ordinary Number”.


Sample Input/Output:

Sample Input

Sample Output

Ordinary Number
Psycho Number
Note : 0 and 1 is not a psycho number .
Psycho 2 : Psycho Function
Psycho 3 :
Make Psycho 
Psycho 4 : Psycho34 (easy)

Problem setter:   Shipu Ahamed, Dept. of CSE

Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)


[ Edited by EB ]

Warning: Some input files are broken.