#ROBBERY2. Robbery 2

Robbery 2

k bandits robbed a bank. They took away n gold coins. Being a progressive group of robbers they decided to use the following procedure to divide the coins. First the most respected bandit takes 1 coin, then the second respected takes 2 coins, ..., the least respected takes k coins, then again the most respected takes k+1 coins, ans so on, until one of the bandits takes the remaining coins. Calculate how much gold each of the bandits gets.


The first line of the input contains number t – the amount of tests. Then t test descriptions follow. Each test consists of two integers n and k - the amount of coins and bandits respectively.


1 <= t <= 500
106 <= n <= 1015
2 <= k <= 100


For each test print the amounts of coins each bandit gets separated by spaces.


1000000 2
1234567 3
123456789 4

499849 500151
411602 411887 411078
30869901 30858368 30862296 30866224