#SA04C. Roman Patrollers
Roman Patrollers
In ancient times, patrollers were used to ensure that all the cities of the Roman Empire were
under control. A patroller’s job consisted in continuously visiting the cities of the empire, trying
to minimise the interval between two visits to each city. The Military Society (MS) wants to
simulate the behavior of one such patroller to see how effective they were.
Each cycle of the simulation corresponds to one time unit. The instantaneous city idleness
(ICI) for a city X after T cycles of the simulation is the number of cycles elapsed since the
last visit of the patroller to the city X (i.e. the number of time units the city X remained
unvisited). All of the cities have initial instantaneous city idleness equal to zero at the start of
the simulation. The instantaneous empire idleness (IEI) after each given cycle is the sum of
the instantaneous city idleness of all cities after that given cycle. Finally, the empire idleness
(EI) for an N-cycle simulation is the sum of the instantaneous empire idleness after each of
the N cycles of simulation.
After visiting a city X, the patroller always chooses to visit the neighbour city Y with the
highest instantaneous city idleness (if more than one city has the highest idleness, the one with
the lowest identifier is chosen). Cities X and Y are neighbour if there is a road linking the two
cities directly, without going through any intermediate city. In the beginning of the simulation,
the patroller is located in one of the cities, and is given a map of the Roman Empire containing
a description of all the roads in the empire, indicating the length (in kilometers) and which two
cities each road connects. A road between cities X and Y can be used both to go from X to Y
and from Y to X.
Assuming that a patroller travels one kilometer in one time unit (one simulation cycle) and
that the time to visit a city is negligible (equal to zero), MS asks you to determine the empire
idleness after an N-cycle simulation.
For clarity, consider the example of an empire which contains 3 cities (1, 2 and 3) and two roads
of length 1 km. The first road connects cities 1 and 2, while the second road connects cities 2
and 3. Below you find a trace of a 3-cycle simulation for such a scenario, considering that the
patroller starts at city 1.
Start of the simulation
Patroller at: 1
ICI1 = 0, ICI2 = 0, ICI3 = 0
IEI = 0
EI = 0
After cycle 1
Patroller at: 2
ICI1 = 1, ICI2 = 0, ICI3 = 1
IEI = 2
EI = 2
After cycle 2
Patroller at: 1
ICI1 = 0, ICI2 = 1, ICI3 = 2
IEI = 3
EI = 5
After cycle 3
Patroller at: 2
ICI1 = 1, ICI2 = 0, ICI3 = 3
IEI = 4
EI = 9
Therefore, for such a scenario, after 3 simulation cycles the empire idleness is 9.
The input consists of several test cases. The first line of a test case contains four integers
C,R,N, and S, indicating respectively the quantity of cities in the empire (2 · C · 1000), the
number of roads (1 · R · C(C − 1)/2), the number of cycles to be simulated (1 · N · 1000)
and the identifier of the starting city of the patroller (1 · S · C). Each city is identified
by a distinct integer from 1 to C. Each of the following R lines contains three integers X, Y
and D describing a road; X and Y represent cities (1 · X 6= Y · C) and D represents the
distance (1 · D · 1000), in kilometers, of the road that connects X and Y directly, without
passing through any other city. Each pair of cities X and Y will appear at most once in a road
description. You can assume that it is always possible to travel from any city to any other city
in the empire using the roads available. The end of input is indicated by C = R = N = S = 0.
For each test case in the input, your program must produce one line containing the empire idleness after the N-cycle simulation.
Input: 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 4 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 Output: 2 4 8 10 9