#SAS003. Apoorv Loves Primes
Apoorv Loves Primes
Given two arrays A and B of size n and x. Apoorv is given an empty array P. He has to fill the array according to the following conditions:
for each i in range (0 to x-1) { if b[i] is negative (insert the subarray from A[abs(B[i]] to A[n-1] in P at the end) else (insert the subarray from A[0]to A[B[i]] in P at the end) }
Since Apoorv loves Prime numbers He wants to know the Kth prime number in P after the above operation is completed.
So given q queries Apoorv has to report the kth prime number in it. If kth prime doesn't exist print -1.
Note: Both A and B are 0 indexed. abs stands for absolute value.
First line will contain n size of A.
Second line will contain n space separated integers denoting A[i].
Third line will contain x denoting size of B.
Fourth line will contain x space separated integers denoting B[i].
Fifth line will contain q denoting number of queries.
Sixth line will contain q space separated integers denoting k.
Print q lines denoting output for each query.
Input: 3 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3</p>Output: 2 3 -1
P is [2,3,4] so for k=1 answer is 2, for k=2 answer is 3, for k=3 answer=-1 because 3rd prime number doesn't exist.